India is the Destination for Obesity Cure
Obesity surgeries in India have seen a phenomenal Growth during recent past. Most patients from countries like USA and UK travel to developing countries such as India for treatment, few main reasons while choosing India at first choice are because India offers wide range of cheapest pricing options of treatment. While planning a treatment in India, one does not require waiting in patient queues or registering for a waiting list. Moreover the doctors and the medical facilities are comparable to anyone in the world. Another main reason for choosing India is comfort of Language; one does not pose a problem as most people speak English. Above all India always offers a good holiday, which can help in fast recoveries. India combines world-class healthcare with prices costing a fraction of those in the US or Europe. The Indian education system at present is training an estimated 20,000 to 30,000 doctors and nurses each year to meet the demand for increased medical services.
What is Obesity Surgery?
Obesity surgery is an operation that reduces or bypasses the stomach or small intestine so that severely overweight people can achieve significant and permanent weight loss. Obesity surgery is performed only on severely overweight people who are more than twice their ideal weight. This level of obesity often is refered to as morbid obesity since it can result in many serious, and potentially deadly, health problems, including hypertension.
Who is A Candidate for Obesity Surgery?
There are a number of widely accepted criteria that make a patient suitable for weight loss surgery:
- Weight greater than 45kg above the ideal body weight for sex, and height.
- BMI > 40 by itself or >35 if there is an
- Associated obesity illness, such as diabetes or sleep apnoea
- Reasonable attempts at other weight loss techniques
- Age 18-65
- Obesity related health problems
- No psychiatric or drug dependency problems
- A capacity to understand the risks and commitment associated with the surgery.
- Pregnancy not anticipated in the first two years following surgery.
Obesity surgery is usually performed in a hospital by a surgeon who has experience with obesity surgery or at a center that specializes in the procedure. General anesthesia is used, and the operation takes 2–3 hours. The hospital stay lasts about a week.Three procedures are currently used for obesity surgery:
- Gastric bypass surgery. Probably the most common type of obesity surgery, In this procedure, the volume of the stomach is reduced by four rows of stainless steel staples that separate the main body of the stomach from a small, newly created pouch. The pouch is attached at one end to the esophagus. At the other end is a very small opening into the small intestine. Food flows though this pouch, bypassing the main portion of the stomach and emptying slowly into the small intestine where it is absorbed.
- Vertical banded gastroplasty. In this procedure an artificial pouch is created using staples in a different section of the stomach. Plastic mesh is sutured into part of the pouch to prevent it from dilating. In both surgeries the food enters the small intestine farther along that it would enter if exiting the stomach normally. This reduces the time available for absorption of nutrients.
- Jejuoileal bypass. Now a rarely performed procedure, Jejuoileal bypass involves shortening the small intestine. Because of the high occurrence of serious complications involving chronic diarrhea and liver disease, it has largely been abandoned for the other, safer procedures.
Immediately after the operation, most patients are restricted to a liquid diet for two to three weeks; however, some may remain on it for up to 12 weeks. Patients then move on to a diet of pureed food for about a month, and, after about two months, most can tolerate solid food. High fat food is restricted because it is hard to digest and causes diarrhea. Patients are expected to work on changing their eating and exercise habits to assist in weight loss. Most people eat three to four small meals a day once they return to solid food. Eating too quickly or too much after obesity surgery can cause nausea and vomiting as well as intestinal "dumping, " a condition in which undigested food is shunted too quickly into the small intestine, causing pain, diarrhea, weakness, and dizziness.
Why should one travel to India for Obesity Surgery?
There are numerous foreigners that are flying to India and desperate to do so. It is not to see the backwaters of Kerala or the beautiful beaches of Goa but to rid themselves of the extra flab, what binds them is their desperation to get freedom from those extra pounds through much cheaper surgery in Indian metros. They do not want to be anorexic but are desperate nevertheless to rid themselves of their obesity and lead a better life. Obese people across the world are flooding the email box of noted laparoscopic surgeons in India. Because there is a long queue for such operations abroad and because it is far economical here, we are flooded with queries from abroad for operation dates in India."Important cost difference subsist between U.K. and India when it comes to medical treatment tourism packages. Every year innumerable number of alien visitors from different parts of the world visits India for its historical escapade. Moreover, many a time some of them fall ill as illness knows no place. India is not only cheaper in respect of medical treatment packages but the waiting time is almost zero. This is due to the explosion of the private sector, which comprises of hospitals and clinics with the up-to-the-minute technology and best practitioners. Traditional tourist spots still attract foreigners by the hordes to India, but lately, medical tourism is proving to be one of the most lucrative and viable options. Obesity cure by operations in India can form a major chunk of our medical tourism revenues in future," With globally recognized healthcare professionals, holistic medicinal services and low cost treatment, India can earn $5 billion a year and attract over one million health tourists a year.
To know more about affordable Obesity surgery in India-please visit the Website =>
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Dheeraj Bojwani-MD is an expert in "Health and Medical Tourism"to India.He guides,consults and advises patients about the Hospitals,surgeons and the medical institutions in India and helps them make an informed decision about getting the right medical treatment in India at the most cost-effective prices.
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