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Helpful Herbal Remedies For Treating Malaria

Malaria is a disease that is found all over the planet, however this is endemic in tropical climates where there are swamps, marshes or pools of stagnant water, vegetation, as well as a poorly-fed population.

This disease is spread around by mosquitoes, and an interesting fact is that it's the female mosquito that bites the prospective malarial patient. The male insect does not carry the parasites which cause the disease, as the parasites transmitted by the female mosquito enters the blood stream and reach the liver where they mature and multiply. From there on, the rest of the parasites are further released into the blood stream.

Symptoms And Types Of Malaria

It's been observed that for a day or two before the actual fever sets in, the patient may suffer headaches, vague body and limb pain, accompanied as well by a feeling of chill, and a slight rise of temperature. An acute malarial attack comes in three stages: the cold stage, the hot stage, and the sweating stage.

Depending on the parasite which causes it, malaria can be distinguished in three types: quartan fever, tertian fever, and malignant tertian malaria. In a quartan fever, an intermission of two days is seen before the next attack, which means that if the first attack is on the first day of the month, the succeeding attacks will be on the 4th, 7th, and 10th days. In a tertian fever, the attacks occur on alternate days. Malignant tertian fever refers to something similar to a tertian fever, but the attacks are much more severe.

Effective Herbal Treatments For Malaria

- Grapefruit

Grapefruit juice or extracts have been know to alleviate the symptoms of malaria. In creating a mixture, boil a quarter of grapefruit and strain its pulp. Patients should be given and extract to consume.

- Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a helpful herbal remedy for malaria patients. Patients are advised to take a teaspoon of coarsely powdered cinnamon and boil it in a glass of water, with a pinch of pepper and honey added. This mixture as well aids in boosting the patient's immune system.

- Holy Basil

In creating a juice from this herb, mix basil with 3 gm black pepper powder and give to the patient during the cold stage of the fever. This helps to reduce the virulence of the hot stage when it occurs. You need to know that holy basil is a good prophylactic agent against malaria and has been used in India for centuries, and some Ayurvedic practitioners recommend the infusion of tulsi leaves and a couple of black pepper with one's tea to help stave off malaria. Even if the disease attacks, its severity would be reduced in a person who takes this infusion.

- Lime

Patients suffering from malaria should take 3 gm of lime dissolved in 60 ml of water, and add a pinch of lemon into it as well. This should be drunk when one starts to feel feverish.

These days, traditional medical methods and treatments are widely used to treat malaria, and are often more readily available and much cheaper than Western medicine, however, traditional medicine is s not without imits, as obviously there are few established clinical data on a specific herb's safety and efficacy, and there is generally less consensus, even among traditional healers, on which plants, mixtures or doses are the most effective. Lastly, the extent and concentration of active ingredients in a specific plant may considerably vary, and would depend on several factors. - Prime Herbal