Easing Piles or Hemorrhoids Naturally
Piles, as they are commonly called hemorrhoids are swollen varicose veins in the anus or rectum. Piles are usually the result of exerting pressure during bowel movements, pregnancy or obesity.
Causes of Piles
1. Piles can be hereditary with innate weakness of the vein walls.
2. In men, as a result of erect posture high pressure is created in rectal veins.
3. Exerting pressure due to constipation and over purgation.
4. Dysentery could worsen latent hemorrhoids.
5. Piles is also common among pregnant women.
Symptoms of piles
Typical symptoms of piles include inflamed, painful lump or swelling in the region of the anus. Oftentimes this causes bleeding, leaving blood in the stools, in the toilet bowl or on the toilet paper. Other symptoms might include mucous discharge, itching and a distressing dragging sensation during bowel movement. When going through these symptoms it is best to get a medical examination to rule out other more serious digestive conditions.
Some other symptoms of piles are pain and discomfort after opening the bowels1 and a feeling that the bowels have not completely emptied. Still, there are conditions besides piles that could cause anal bleeding. If this happens for more than six weeks it is best to seek medical advice.
Easing piles naturally
Keep the affected area clean, clean with water only (no perfumed soap) after every bowel motion and pat dry with a clean soft tissue, this should help with itching.
The following supplements may help if you are suffering from Haemorrhoids (piles).
1. Extracts of horse chestnut
2. Flavonoids
3. Gotu kola
4. Psyllium
5. Vitamin C
6. Witch hazel
Diet for piles
Piles are closely connected to constipation and this is why diet can make a good impact in clearing up piles. Your diet should include lots of fiber. This is to be found in whole grains, vegetables and fruit. See that you have loads of mineral water and stop having spicy foods. Psyllium husks supplements are good since they are high in fiber and help get rid of constipation. Softer stools help empty the bowels easier and decreases the pressure on piles caused by straining. Also wheatgrass juice, it is found, abets better digestion. Besides, green juices provide easy assimilation of nutrients particularly in cases of poor digestion or immuno-suppression.
It is better to avoid highly refined foods such as white, rice, white bread, pastries, cakes, pies. Also steer clear of alcohol, since it is known to contribute to small, dry stools. Lastly keep away from acid forming foods like sugar, animal protein, dairy, and coffee.
Kevin Pederson, manages number of sites on Home Remedies and Home Cures which gives information on many home based treatment helping us to treat common aliments such as piles or hemorrhoids naturally in the comforts of our homes.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kevin_Pederson
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