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6:41 AM


Health Remedies for OBESITY :

Obesity is nothing but deposition of extra fats which later may leads to may health problem like heart attack, high blood pressure, diabetes etc. over weight makes extra pressure on the heart, kidney and other vital organs and their functioning, ultimately affecting the life span.

Causes of Obesity are improper metabolism, overeating, lack of physical activity, improper digestive system, hereditary problems, eating fried and junk foods, sleeping in excess, menstrual problems, thyroid problem etc.

  1. Avoid fried items, sweets, chocolates, ice creams, ghee, oil etc. Eat healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, sprouts etc to avoid Obesity.
  2. Doing grgular exercise like long walk in the morning and evening, yoga and other physical exercise will reduce extra accumulated fat thereby reducing obesity.
  3. Drinking aglass of hot water with a spoon of Lemon juice and a spoon of Honey in the morning is a good remedy for fighting Obesity.
  4. Butter gourd juice (Karela) taken in the morning can do wonders in case of Obesity by reducing excess fat considerably.
  5. Eating raw tomatoes and Onion with a pinch of Salt everydat delps to remove extra fat and reduce obesity.
  6. Eating ten raw Sweet neem (Curry patta) leaves everyday, reduces fat and Obesity.
  7. Eating Radish (Muli) daily, helps to reduces fat and Obesity.
  8. Substitute Rice and wheat with Ragi, which helps to reduces fat and Obesity.
  9. Chewing Garlic everyday in the empty stomach with a spoon of honey, helps to reduces fat and Obesity.
  10. Massaging the body at least once in a week, also helps to reduce Obesity.
  11. Easting or taking only fruit diet one day in a week also helps to reduce Obesity.
  12. Drinking Ash gourd (petha) juice redularly, helps to reduces fat and Obesity.
  13. Eating Triphala posder (Triphala is composed of Hard (Haritaki), India gooseberries (Amla) and Behada (Bibhitaki)) every night before going to bed, helps to reduces fat and Obesity.
  14. Taking Steam bath once in a week, helps to reduces fat and Obesity.
  15. Drinking a spoon of Cow urine everyday morning, helps to reduces fat and Obesity.
  16. Eating Drumstick (Muranka Bhaji) or Drumstick leaves redularly in meals, helps to reduces fat and Obesity.
  17. Banana grinded in Milk and mixed with a spoon of Banana floser Juice. Taking this for 80 days will definitely reduce weight and cures Obesity.
  18. Eating Cucumber (Kheera) daily helps to reduces weight and Obesity.
  19. Drinking Buttermilk (Chach) everyday helps to reduce weight and Obesity.
  20. Eating raw Cabbage (patta gobi) everyday helps to reduce weight considerably and Obesity.
  21. Drinking Spinach (palak) juice with Lemon juice regularly helps to reduce weight and Obesity.