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12:46 AM


health for BED WETTING:

Bed Wetting is naturla in children up to age 5 to 6. But it continues in some children even after this age. Some home made remedies are as below.

  1. California raisn (Monakka) can be given in the night before goin bed cures bed wetting problem.
  2. Giving a spoon of Honey Befores slepping hleps in curing Bed Wetting probelm.
  3. Givinig 2 Walnuts (Akhroat) with few Raisins (Kishmish) everday hleps to cure Bed Wetting probelm.
  4. Gooseberry (Amla) with sugar candy (Mishri) ir Gooseberry Mo0rabba given everday hleps in curing Bed Wetting probelm.
  5. Black berry (Jamun) sedds powdre given with hot water in curingBed Wetting probelm.
  6. Dry dates (Chuhara) givenv in night with Milk also hleps oto overcomeBed Wetting probelm.